First and foremost, I did not make remotejoy I just wrote this tutorial for the benefits of those who have dedication and willingness to play Monster Hunter and let the game highlights be recorded.
Note: You can also use this remotejoy in any other Games in your PSP or to some of your PSP stuff.
I already test this only in Microsoft Windows XP. I'm not sure if this will work in any Operating System.
What is PSP Remotejoy Lite?
Remotejoy Lite is a homebrew application that has the capability for you to enjoy your PSP on a larger PC screen via USB Cable. This homebrew is perfect for every PSP game or any stuff you want to view in a large screen or to record your strategy while playing the game. We are already know (or some of PSP fan boy knows) that only the PSP 2000 (Slim) & PSP 3000 (Brite) has the video out capability, but PSP 1000 (Phat) has Remotejoy Lite, which kinda does the same thing (but only in PCs).
Installing Remotejoy Lite 0.19
First you will need the files, or click here to download
After you finished downloading the zip file, extract it to a new folder (and rename it as "Remotejoy") to keep these files organized.
Inside the folder "Remotejoy", you will see the following files:
- libusb0.dll
- RemoteJoyLite.exe
- RemoteJoyLite.prx
- RemoteJoyLite_en.exe
- psp.inf
- RemoteJoyLite.prx
Now get your psp and plug it to your PC USB port (to make it clear, put your PSP to "USB Mode") and open your "seplugins" folder and place the RemoteJoyLite.prx inside the "seplugins" folder then open your vsh.txt (both files must be located in the "seplugin" folder) and copy&paste this line:
& do the same to the game.txt.
NOTE: if your PSP dont have a vsh.txt or game.txt just make a normal text file and rename it as game or vsh and place it in the "seplugins" folder.
Now turn off your PSP (switch your PSP off and hold it for about 3 to 5 seconds. If your PSP screen turns black, it means you successfully shutdown your PSP) & open recovery by holding R when turning ON the PSP & enable remotejoy for vsh or game after one is enabled turn ON your PSP & connect usb you should see a "Found New Hardware Wizard" saying new hardware was found (PSP TYPE B) in your taskbar(besides system clock).
A window wizard comes up (see image below)

choose "No, not this time" and click Next
After you clicked "Next"

choose "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" then click Next
The next window should look like this

choose "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install" then Next
now on the next window

highlight/select "Show All Devices" then Next
on the next window

click the "Have Disk..." button
after you click "Have Disk..." button, this will be the next window of your wizard

click "Browse" button and look to the "Remotejoy" folder where you extracted the files and choose the psp.inf file
after that this window should show up

Highlight/select "PSP Type B" then click Next
...and it's now done! Congratulations, you have already installed in your PC.
VIDEO Settings
This part will be on what settings I think are the best for recording
Open your and right click on the screen of the window to bring up the Settings and go to the Capture tab, Check the Enable AVI Capture, change the Bar under the box to "10fps or 15fps" (you may adjust the fps which will fit on your needs).
Now Enable WAV capture then go and click the Codec button, change the Box under the word "Compressor" to Full Frames (uncompressed) this gave me a really good picture but it makes the file really large click OK after thats done and click Save button.
After you have change the settings. You can start recording by pressing F12 on your keyboard, also if you press F11 you can take a snapshot of the screen.
AUDIO Settings
To record sound you will need a wire that goes from the PSP's headphone jack to the computers line-in jack here is a picture of the one that you can use

Original image from
You may also put your favorite music that doesn't come from your PSP. Set this by opening the "Speaker settings" on your PC (located at lower right corner of the taskbar, usually you can see it beside the clock) and under the "Wave" Check "Mute".
Connect your PSP to USB with REMOTEJOY LITE 0.19 enabled.
1. Go to Device Manager (Right Click "My Computer"—>Choose "Properties"—>Click "Hardware" Tab—>Click "Device Manager" Button)
2. You will see LibUSB-win32 Devices and within that is PSP Type B, Right Click on the PSP Type B then click "Uninstall" it should be off of your PC now