Skill Points | Value | Skill Result | Description |
Attack | 20 | Attack Up (Large) | Greater increase in Attack |
| 15 | Attack Up (Medium) | Moderate increase in Attack |
| 10 | Attack Up (Small) | Slight increase in Attack |
| -10 | Attack Down (Small) | Slight decrease in Attack |
| -15 | Attack Down (Medium) | Moderate decrease in Attack |
| -20 | Attack Down (Large) | Greater decrease in Attack |
Defense | 20 | Defense +40 | Increases Defense by 40 |
| 15 | Defense +30 | Increases Defense by 30 |
| 10 | Defense +20 | Increases Defense by 20 |
| -10 | Defense -20 | Decreases Defense by 20 |
| -15 | Defense -30 | Decreases Defense by 30 |
| -20 | Defense -40 | Decreases Defense by 40 |
Health | 20 | Health +50 | Increases Health by 50 |
| 15 | Health +30 | Increases Health by 30 |
| 10 | Health +20 | Increases Health by 20 |
| -10 | Health -10 | Decreases Health by 10 |
| -15 | Health -20 | Decreases Health by 20 |
| -20 | Health -30 | Decreases Health by 30 |
All Resist | 20 | All Resist +10 | Adds 10 to all Resistances |
| 15 | All Resist +5 | Adds 5 to all Resistances |
| 10 | All Resist +3 | Adds 3 to all Resistances |
| -10 | All Resist –3 | Minus 3 to all Resistances |
| -15 | All Resist –5 | Minus 5 to all Resistances |
| -20 | All Resist –10 | Minus 10 to all Resistances |
Fire Res | 15 | Fire Res +10 | Adds 10 to Fire Resistance |
| 10 | Fire Res +5 | Adds 5 to Fire Resistance |
| -10 | Fire Res –5 | Minus 5 to Fire Resistance |
| -15 | Fire Res -10 | Minus 10 to Fire Resistance |
Water Res | 15 | Water Res +10 | Adds 10 to Water Resistance |
| 10 | Water Res +5 | Adds 5 to Water Resistance |
| -10 | Water Res –5 | Minus 5 to Water Resistance |
| -15 | Water Res –10 | Minus 10 to Water Resistance |
Thunder Res | 15 | Thunder Res +10 | Adds 10 to Thunder Resistance |
| 10 | Thunder Res +5 | Adds 5 to Thunder Resistance |
| -10 | Thunder Res –5 | Minus 5 to Thunder Resistance |
| -15 | Thunder Res –10 | Minus 10 to Thunder Resistance |
Ice Res | 15 | Ice Res +10 | Adds 10 to Ice Resistance |
| 10 | Ice Res +5 | Adds 5 to Ice Resistance |
| -10 | Ice Res –5 | Minus 5 to Ice Resistance |
| -15 | Ice Res -10 | Minus 10 to Ice Resistance |
Dragon Res | 15 | Dragon Res +10 | Adds 10 to Dragon Resistance |
| 10 | Dragon Res +5 | Adds 5 to Dragon Resistance |
| -10 | Dragon Res-5 | Minus 5 to Dragon Resistance |
| -15 | Dragon Res -10 | Minus 10 to Dragon Resistance |
Faint | 15 | Faint Negated | Immune to K.O. status |
| 10 | Faint Prob Halved | K.O. duration halved |
| -10 | Faint Duration [X2] | K.O. duration doubled |
Poison | 15 | Poison Negated | Immune to Poison status |
| 10 | Poison Dur Halved | Poison duration halved |
| -10 | Poison Duration[x2] | Poison duration doubled |
Paralysis | 15 | Paralysis Negated | Immune to Paralysis status |
| 10 | Para Duration Halved | Paralysis duration halved |
| -10 | Para Duration[x2] | Paralysis duration doubled |
Sleep | 15 | Sleep Negated | Immune to Sleep status |
| 10 | Sleep Dur Halved | Sleep duration halved |
| -10 | Sleep Duration[X2] | Sleep duration doubled |
Antiseptic | 10 | Antiseptic | Immune to health item use negation effects |
Fatigue | 10 | Fatigue Cancellation | Immune to fatigue effects |
Snow Resistance | 10 | Snow Resistance | Immune to snow effects |
Quake Resistance | 10 | Quake Resistance | Immune to quake effects |
HearProtect | 15 | High-Grade Earplug | Unaffected by all monster roars |
| 10 | Earplug | Unaffected by some monster roars |
WindPress | 20 | Dragon Wind Breaker | Unaffected by all wind pressures |
| 15 | High Wind Res | Unaffected by large wind pressures |
| 10 | Low Wind Res | Unaffected by small wind pressures |
Steal No Effect | 10 | Steal No Effect | Inventory items cannot be stolen |
Status Res | 10 | Abnormal Status Negated | Unaffected by status effects |
FireDragonRes | 10 | Daora Ward | Terrain Damage Reduce[Hi] and Fire Resistance |
Daora Res | 10 | Chameleos Ward | Dragon Wind Breaker and Snow Resistance |
ChamleosRes | 10 | Fire Dragon Ward | Fatigue Cancellation and Steal No Effect |
Artisan | 10 | Sharpness +1 | Increases weapon sharpness |
| -10 | Sharpness -1 | Decreases weapon shapness |
Sharpness | 10 | Sharp Sword | Weapon sharpness decrease is halved |
| -10 | Blunt Edge | Weapon sharpness decrease is doubled |
Fencing | 10 | ESP | Negates deflection of attacks |
SwdShrpner | 10 | Sharpening Skl Inc | Faster weapon sharpening speed |
| -10 | Sharpening Skl Halved | Slower weapon sharpening speed |
Guard | 20 | Guard +2 | Reduces stamina use, damage and push back when blocking |
| 10 | Guard +1 | Reduces stamina use, damage and push back when blocking |
| -10 | Guard -1 | Increases stamina use, damage and push back when blocking |
| -20 | Guard -2 | Increases stamina use, damage and push back when blocking |
Auto-Guard | 10 | Auto-Guard | Blocks attacks automatically if doing nothing |
Drawn Critical | 10 | Unsheathed Attack Critical | Unsheathed attacks do 125% damage |
SwdMastery | 10 | True Strike | Sharpness +1 and Attack Up (Large) |
NormalS Up | 10 | NormalS/RapidBow Up | Increases damage of Normal S and Rapid shots |
PierceS Up | 10 | PierceS/PierceBow Up | Increases damage of Pierce S and Pierce shots |
PelletS Up | 10 | PelletS/ScattrBow Up | Increases damage of Pellet S and Scatter shots |
NormalSAdd | 10 | All Shots Up | Adds 1 to all Normal S ammo load limits |
PierceSAdd | 15 | All Pierce Lvls Up | Adds 1 to all Pierce S ammo load limits |
| 10 | Pierce S LV 1 Add | Adds 1 to Pierce S Lv1 ammo load limit |
PelletSAdd | 15 | All Scatter Lvls Up | Adds 1 to all Pellet S ammo load limits |
| 10 | Scatter Lvl 1 Up | Adds 1 to Pellet S Lv1 ammo load limit |
CragS Add | 15 | All Crag Lvls Up | Adds 1 to all Crag S ammo load limits |
| 10 | Crag Lvl 1 up | Adds 1 to Crag S Lv1 ammo load limit |
ClustS Add | 15 | All Clust Lvl Up | Adds 1 to all Clust S ammo load limits |
| 10 | Clust Lvl 1 Up | Adds 1 to Clust S Lv1 ammo load limit |
Load | 20 | Reloading Speed +3 | Bowgun reloading speed increases 3 levels |
| 15 | Reloading Speed +2 | Bowgun reloading speed increases 2 levels |
| 10 | Reloading Speed +1 | Bowgun reloading speed increases 1 level |
| -10 | Reloading Speed -1 | Bowgun reloading speed decreases 1 level |
| -15 | Reloading Speed -2 | Bowgun reloading speed decreases 2 levels |
| -20 | Reloading Speed -3 | Bowgun reloading speed decreases 3 levels |
Speed Fire | 10 | Speed Fire | No reloading required until change of ammo type |
Recoil | 20 | Recoil Reduction +2 | Bowgun recoil negated |
| 10 | Recoil Reduction +1 | Bowgun recoil reduced |
Precision | 10 | Target Range Down | Reduces shots being off-center |
| -10 | Target Range Up | Increases shots being off-center |
PoisnCtAdd | 10 | Poison Coat Add | Allows Bow to use Poison Coatings |
Para CtAdd | 10 | Paralysis Coat Add | Allows Bow to use Paralysis Coatings |
SleepCtAdd | 10 | Sleep Coat Add | Allows Bow to use Sleep Coatings |
PowerCtAdd | 10 | Power Coat Add | Allows Bow to use Power Coatings |
RazorCtAdd | 10 | Razor Coat Add | Allows Bow to use Razor Coatings |
Marksman | 10 | Shot Damage Up | Increases damage of all Normal S, Pierce S and Pellet S |
Expert | 20 | Reckless Abandon +3 | Increases Affinity by 30% |
| 15 | Reckless Abandon +2 | Increases Affinity by 20% |
| 10 | Reckless Abandon +1 | Increases Affinity by 10% |
| -10 | Reckless Abandon -1 | Decreases Affinity by 10% |
| -15 | Reckless Abandon -2 | Decreases Affinity by 20% |
| -20 | Reckless Abandon -3 | Decreases Affinity by 30% |
Spc Attack | 10 | Abnormal Sts Atk Up | Increases Attack Power of all Status attacks |
ElementAtk | 10 | Element Atk Up | Increases Attack Power of all Elemental attacks |
Rec Speed | 20 | Damage Rec Speed +2 | Red part of health gauge increases 4 times faster |
| 10 | Damage Rec Speed +1 | Red part of health gauge increases 2 times faster |
| -10 | Damage Rec Speed -1 | Red part of health gauge increases 2 times slower |
| -20 | Damage Rec Speed -2 | Red part of health gauge increases 4 times slower |
Protection | 10 | Divine Protection | 25% chance of decreasing damage taken by 30% |
| -10 | Demonic Protection | 25% chance of increasing damage taken by 30% |
Guard Inc | 10 | Guard Inc | Able to block attacks not normally blockable |
Evade | 15 | Evade +2 | Increased invulnerability time during rolling, diving, backhopping and sidestepping |
| 10 | Evade +1 | Increased invulnerability time during rolling, diving, backhopping and sidestepping |
Evade Inc | 10 | Evade Distance Up | Increased distance of maneuvers |
Potential | 15 | Adrenaline +2 | Increased Attack Power and Defense when health is low |
| 10 | Adrenaline +1 | Increased Defense when health is low |
| -10 | Worry | Decreased Attack Power when health is low |
Gunnery | 15 | Gunnery King | Increased damage of Ballista S, Cannon S. Gunlance Shelling and Crag S |
| 10 | Gunnery Master | Increased damage of Ballisia S and Cannon S. |
Loading | 10 | Load Up | Increases the ammo limit of all existing shots by 1 |
Fast Chrge | 10 | Concentration | Increases the charging speed of GS, Hammers and Bows |
| -10 | Distraction | Decreases the charging speed of GS, Hammers and Bows |
Survival | 10 | Survival | If health is above 60-70%, a fatal blow is negated and Health reduces to 1 |
Rage | 10 | Rampage | Adrenaline +2 and Survival |
Map | 10 | Farsight | Map of area is automatically shown |
| -10 | Map Unavailable | Map of area is never shown |
PsychicVis | 15 | Autotracker | Location of monster is always shown on the map |
| 10 | Detect | Exact movements is shown on map when monster is paintballed |
Gathering | 15 | Gathering +2 | Able to gather even more from mining spot or gathering point |
| 10 | Gathering +1 | Able to gather more from mining spot or gathering point |
| -10 | Gathering -1 | Gathers less from mining spot or gathering point |
| -15 | Gathering -2 | Gathers even less from mining spot or gathering point |
Carving | 20 | Carving Celebrity | Unaffected by minor attacks when carving and able to carve 1 more time |
| 10 | Carving Iron Man | Unaffected by minor attacks when carving |
HiSpdGathr | 10 | High Speed Gathering | Gathering and mining speed increased |
Backpackng | 10 | Backpacking Expert | Able to move faster when moving with carry items |
Whim | 15 | Spirit's Whim | Even lesser chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe |
| 10 | Divine Whim | Lesser chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe |
| -10 | Spectre's Whim | Greater chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe |
| -15 | Demon Whim | Even greater chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe |
Fishing | 10 | Fishing Expert | More time is given when angling a fish |
Heat Res | 15 | Heat Cancel [Hi] | Immune to heat effects in all areas |
| 10 | Heat Cancel [Lo] | Immune to heat effects in certain areas |
| -10 | Heat Inc [Lo] | Health decreases faster due to heat effects |
| -15 | Heat Inc [Hi] | Health decreases even faster due to heat effects |
Cold Res | 15 | Cold Elimination[Hi] | Immune to cold effects in all areas |
| 10 | Cold Elimination[Lo] | Immune to cold effects in certain areas |
| -10 | Heat Inc [Lo] | Stamina decreases faster due to cold effects |
| -15 | Heat Inc [Hi] | Stamina decreases even faster due to cold effects |
Terrain | 15 | TrrainDmgeReduce[Hi] | Damage from terrain is reduced significantly |
| 10 | TrrainDmgeReduce[Lo] | Damage from terrain is reduced |
| -10 | TerrainDamageInc[Hi] | Damage from terrain is increased significantly |
| -15 | TerrainDamageInc[Lo] | Damage from terrain is increased |
Stamina | 10 | Stamina | Stamina decreases more slowly for running and attacks |
Technique | 15 | Defensive Maneuvers +2 | Stamina usage is lessened even more when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping |
| 10 | Defensive Maneuvers +1 | Stamina usage is lessened when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping |
| -10 | Defensive Maneuvers -1 | Stamina usage is increased when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping |
| -15 | Defensive Maneuvers -2 | Stamina usage is increased even more when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping |
Hunger | 15 | Hunger Negated | Stamina bar does not decrease over time |
| 10 | Hunger Halved | Stamina bar decreases x0.5 slower over time |
| -10 | Hunger Increase [Lo] | Stamina bar decreases x1.5 faster over time |
| -15 | Hunger Increase [Hi] | Stamina bar decreases x2 faster over time |
Sneak | 10 | Stealth | Decreases chance of being targeted by monster |
| -10 | Taunt | Increases chance of being targeted by monster |
Fate | 15 | Luck Booster | Greater chance of increased rewards |
| 10 | Good Luck | Chance of increased rewards |
| -10 | Bad Luck | Chance of decreased rewards |
| -20 | Calamity | Greater chance of decreased rewards |
Set Trap | 10 | Trap Expert | Faster speed of setting traps |
Trapper | 15 | Reward Celebrity | Greater chance of increased rewards for capturing monster |
| 10 | Reward Specialist | Chance of increased rewards for capturing monster |
Observance | 10 | Eagle Eye | Able to see when monster's health is low enough to be captured |
Recovery | 10 | HealthRecItemsImprvd | Healing items have increased effectiveness |
| -10 | HealthRecItemsWeak | Healing items have decreased effectiveness |
Everlastng | 10 | Item Usage Improve | Consumed effect items have increased duration |
| -10 | Item Usage Decline | Consumed effect items have decreased duration |
Wide Area | 20 | Wide Area +2 | Certain usable items have full effect on others in the same area |
| 10 | Wide Area +1 | Certain usable items have half effect on others in the same area |
Throw | 10 | Throwing Skill Up | Increased distance for throwing items |
BombStrUp | 10 | Bomber | Increases the damage of bombs |
Gluttony | 15 | Picky Eater | Chance of healing items also increasing stamina |
| 10 | Filled Up | Chance of fish steaks increasing stamina |
Cooking | 10 | Quick Eating | Increased speed of consuming items |
| -10 | Slow Life | Decreased speed of consuming items |
BBQ | 10 | BBQ Celebrity | Makes cooking steaks easier |
| -10 | So-Called BBQ King | Makes cooking steaks more difficult |
Horn | 10 | Flute Expert | Flutes break less easily and hunting horn effects gain increased duration |
MixSucRate | 20 | Combine Success +45% | Increases combination success rate |
| 15 | Combine Success +25% | Increases combination success rate |
| 10 | Combine Success +15% | Increases combination success rate |
| -10 | Combine Success -5% | Decreases combination success rate |
| -15 | Combine Success -10% | Decreases combination success rate |
| -20 | Combine Success -15% | Decreases combination success rate |
Shot Mix | 10 | Bullet Limit | Maximizes ammo combination amount |
Alchemy | 10 | Alchemy | Allows for Alchemy Combinations |
FlyneGuide | 15 | Felyne Mentor | Increases Felyne Fighter's experience and skill points received after quests |
| 10 | Felyne Tutor | Increases Felyne Fighter's experience after quests |
Flyne Atk | 10 | Felyne Attack UP | Increases Felyne Fighter's attack |
Flyne Def | 10 | Felyne Defense UP | Increases Felyne Fighter's defense |
Torso Inc | - | - | Doubles both negative and positive attributes of torso armor |
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