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      01 02 03 04 05
      06 07 08 09 10
      11 12  13 14 15
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Armor Guide
 + Low Rank
      01 02 03 04 05
 + High Rank
      06 07 08
 + G Rank
      09 10
 + Armor Skills
Felyne Guide
 + Food List
 + Felyne Personalities Guide
 + Felyne Skills Guide
 + Felyne Stats Guide

Weapon Guide
 + Sword and Shield
 + Dual Sword
 + Great Sword
 + Long Sword
 + Lance
 + Gunlance
 + Hammer
 + Hunting Horn
 + Light Bowgun
 + Heavy Bowgun
 + Bow

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Monster Hunter: Armor Skills List

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Skill PointsValueSkill ResultDescription
  Attack  20  Attack Up (Large)  Greater increase in Attack
    15  Attack Up (Medium)  Moderate increase in Attack
    10  Attack Up (Small)  Slight increase in Attack
    -10  Attack Down (Small)  Slight decrease in Attack
    -15  Attack Down (Medium)  Moderate decrease in Attack
    -20  Attack Down (Large)  Greater decrease in Attack
  Defense  20  Defense +40  Increases Defense by 40
    15  Defense +30  Increases Defense by 30
    10  Defense +20  Increases Defense by 20
    -10  Defense -20  Decreases Defense by 20
    -15  Defense -30  Decreases Defense by 30
    -20  Defense -40  Decreases Defense by 40
  Health  20  Health +50  Increases Health by 50
    15  Health +30  Increases Health by 30
    10  Health +20  Increases Health by 20
    -10  Health -10  Decreases Health by 10
    -15  Health -20  Decreases Health by 20
    -20  Health -30  Decreases Health by 30
  All Resist  20  All Resist +10  Adds 10 to all Resistances
    15  All Resist +5  Adds 5 to all Resistances
    10  All Resist +3  Adds 3 to all Resistances
    -10  All Resist –3  Minus 3 to all Resistances
    -15  All Resist –5  Minus 5 to all Resistances
    -20  All Resist –10  Minus 10 to all Resistances
  Fire Res  15  Fire Res +10  Adds 10 to Fire Resistance
    10  Fire Res +5  Adds 5 to Fire Resistance
    -10  Fire Res –5  Minus 5 to Fire Resistance
    -15  Fire Res -10  Minus 10 to Fire Resistance
  Water Res  15  Water Res +10  Adds 10 to Water Resistance
    10  Water Res +5  Adds 5 to Water Resistance
    -10  Water Res –5  Minus 5 to Water Resistance
    -15  Water Res –10  Minus 10 to Water Resistance
  Thunder Res  15  Thunder Res +10  Adds 10 to Thunder Resistance
    10  Thunder Res +5  Adds 5 to Thunder Resistance
    -10  Thunder Res –5  Minus 5 to Thunder Resistance
    -15  Thunder Res –10  Minus 10 to Thunder Resistance
  Ice Res  15  Ice Res +10  Adds 10 to Ice Resistance
    10  Ice Res +5  Adds 5 to Ice Resistance
    -10  Ice Res –5  Minus 5 to Ice Resistance
    -15  Ice Res -10  Minus 10 to Ice Resistance
  Dragon Res  15  Dragon Res +10  Adds 10 to Dragon Resistance
    10  Dragon Res +5  Adds 5 to Dragon Resistance
    -10  Dragon Res-5  Minus 5 to Dragon Resistance
    -15  Dragon Res -10  Minus 10 to Dragon Resistance
  Faint  15  Faint Negated  Immune to K.O. status
    10  Faint Prob Halved  K.O. duration halved
    -10  Faint Duration [X2]  K.O. duration doubled
  Poison  15  Poison Negated  Immune to Poison status
    10  Poison Dur Halved  Poison duration halved
    -10  Poison Duration[x2]  Poison duration doubled
  Paralysis  15  Paralysis Negated  Immune to Paralysis status
    10  Para Duration Halved  Paralysis duration halved
    -10  Para Duration[x2]  Paralysis duration doubled
  Sleep  15  Sleep Negated  Immune to Sleep status
    10  Sleep Dur Halved  Sleep duration halved
    -10  Sleep Duration[X2]  Sleep duration doubled
  Antiseptic  10  Antiseptic  Immune to health item use negation effects
  Fatigue  10  Fatigue Cancellation  Immune to fatigue effects
  Snow Resistance  10  Snow Resistance  Immune to snow effects
  Quake Resistance  10  Quake Resistance  Immune to quake effects
  HearProtect  15  High-Grade Earplug  Unaffected by all monster roars
    10  Earplug  Unaffected by some monster roars
  WindPress  20  Dragon Wind Breaker  Unaffected by all wind pressures
    15  High Wind Res  Unaffected by large wind pressures
    10  Low Wind Res  Unaffected by small wind pressures
  Steal No Effect  10  Steal No Effect  Inventory items cannot be stolen
  Status Res  10  Abnormal Status Negated  Unaffected by status effects
  FireDragonRes  10  Daora Ward  Terrain Damage Reduce[Hi] and Fire Resistance
  Daora Res  10  Chameleos Ward  Dragon Wind Breaker and Snow Resistance
  ChamleosRes  10  Fire Dragon Ward  Fatigue Cancellation and Steal No Effect
  Artisan  10  Sharpness +1  Increases weapon sharpness
    -10  Sharpness -1  Decreases weapon shapness
  Sharpness  10  Sharp Sword  Weapon sharpness decrease is halved
    -10  Blunt Edge  Weapon sharpness decrease is doubled
  Fencing  10  ESP  Negates deflection of attacks
  SwdShrpner  10  Sharpening Skl Inc  Faster weapon sharpening speed
    -10  Sharpening Skl Halved  Slower weapon sharpening speed
  Guard  20  Guard +2  Reduces stamina use, damage and push back when blocking
    10  Guard +1  Reduces stamina use, damage and push back when blocking
    -10  Guard -1  Increases stamina use, damage and push back when blocking
    -20  Guard -2  Increases stamina use, damage and push back when blocking
  Auto-Guard  10  Auto-Guard  Blocks attacks automatically if doing nothing
  Drawn Critical  10  Unsheathed Attack Critical  Unsheathed attacks do 125% damage
  SwdMastery  10  True Strike  Sharpness +1 and Attack Up (Large)
  NormalS Up  10  NormalS/RapidBow Up  Increases damage of Normal S and Rapid shots
  PierceS Up  10  PierceS/PierceBow Up  Increases damage of Pierce S and Pierce shots
  PelletS Up  10  PelletS/ScattrBow Up  Increases damage of Pellet S and Scatter shots
  NormalSAdd  10  All Shots Up  Adds 1 to all Normal S ammo load limits
  PierceSAdd  15  All Pierce Lvls Up  Adds 1 to all Pierce S ammo load limits
    10  Pierce S LV 1 Add  Adds 1 to Pierce S Lv1 ammo load limit
  PelletSAdd  15  All Scatter Lvls Up  Adds 1 to all Pellet S ammo load limits
    10  Scatter Lvl 1 Up  Adds 1 to Pellet S Lv1 ammo load limit
  CragS Add  15  All Crag Lvls Up  Adds 1 to all Crag S ammo load limits
    10  Crag Lvl 1 up  Adds 1 to Crag S Lv1 ammo load limit
  ClustS Add  15  All Clust Lvl Up  Adds 1 to all Clust S ammo load limits
    10  Clust Lvl 1 Up  Adds 1 to Clust S Lv1 ammo load limit
  Load  20  Reloading Speed +3  Bowgun reloading speed increases 3 levels
    15  Reloading Speed +2  Bowgun reloading speed increases 2 levels
    10  Reloading Speed +1  Bowgun reloading speed increases 1 level
    -10  Reloading Speed -1  Bowgun reloading speed decreases 1 level
    -15  Reloading Speed -2  Bowgun reloading speed decreases 2 levels
    -20  Reloading Speed -3  Bowgun reloading speed decreases 3 levels
  Speed Fire  10  Speed Fire  No reloading required until change of ammo type
  Recoil  20  Recoil Reduction +2  Bowgun recoil negated
    10  Recoil Reduction +1  Bowgun recoil reduced
  Precision  10  Target Range Down  Reduces shots being off-center
    -10  Target Range Up  Increases shots being off-center
  PoisnCtAdd  10  Poison Coat Add  Allows Bow to use Poison Coatings
  Para CtAdd  10  Paralysis Coat Add  Allows Bow to use Paralysis Coatings
  SleepCtAdd  10  Sleep Coat Add  Allows Bow to use Sleep Coatings
  PowerCtAdd  10  Power Coat Add  Allows Bow to use Power Coatings
  RazorCtAdd  10  Razor Coat Add  Allows Bow to use Razor Coatings
  Marksman  10  Shot Damage Up  Increases damage of all Normal S, Pierce S and Pellet S
  Expert  20  Reckless Abandon +3  Increases Affinity by 30%
    15  Reckless Abandon +2  Increases Affinity by 20%
    10  Reckless Abandon +1  Increases Affinity by 10%
    -10  Reckless Abandon -1  Decreases Affinity by 10%
    -15  Reckless Abandon -2  Decreases Affinity by 20%
    -20  Reckless Abandon -3  Decreases Affinity by 30%
  Spc Attack  10  Abnormal Sts Atk Up  Increases Attack Power of all Status attacks
  ElementAtk  10  Element Atk Up  Increases Attack Power of all Elemental attacks
  Rec Speed  20  Damage Rec Speed +2  Red part of health gauge increases 4 times faster
    10  Damage Rec Speed +1  Red part of health gauge increases 2 times faster
    -10  Damage Rec Speed -1  Red part of health gauge increases 2 times slower
    -20  Damage Rec Speed -2  Red part of health gauge increases 4 times slower
  Protection  10  Divine Protection  25% chance of decreasing damage taken by 30%
    -10  Demonic Protection  25% chance of increasing damage taken by 30%
  Guard Inc  10  Guard Inc  Able to block attacks not normally blockable
  Evade  15  Evade +2  Increased invulnerability time during rolling, diving, backhopping and sidestepping
    10  Evade +1  Increased invulnerability time during rolling, diving, backhopping and sidestepping
  Evade Inc  10  Evade Distance Up  Increased distance of maneuvers
  Potential  15  Adrenaline +2  Increased Attack Power and Defense when health is low
    10  Adrenaline +1  Increased Defense when health is low
    -10  Worry  Decreased Attack Power when health is low
  Gunnery  15  Gunnery King  Increased damage of Ballista S, Cannon S. Gunlance Shelling and Crag S
    10  Gunnery Master  Increased damage of Ballisia S and Cannon S.
  Loading  10  Load Up  Increases the ammo limit of all existing shots by 1
  Fast Chrge  10  Concentration  Increases the charging speed of GS, Hammers and Bows
    -10  Distraction  Decreases the charging speed of GS, Hammers and Bows
  Survival  10  Survival  If health is above 60-70%, a fatal blow is negated and Health reduces to 1
  Rage  10  Rampage  Adrenaline +2 and Survival
  Map  10  Farsight  Map of area is automatically shown
    -10  Map Unavailable  Map of area is never shown
  PsychicVis  15  Autotracker  Location of monster is always shown on the map
    10  Detect  Exact movements is shown on map when monster is paintballed
  Gathering  15  Gathering +2  Able to gather even more from mining spot or gathering point
    10  Gathering +1  Able to gather more from mining spot or gathering point
    -10  Gathering -1  Gathers less from mining spot or gathering point
    -15  Gathering -2  Gathers even less from mining spot or gathering point
  Carving  20  Carving Celebrity  Unaffected by minor attacks when carving and able to carve 1 more time
    10  Carving Iron Man  Unaffected by minor attacks when carving
  HiSpdGathr  10  High Speed Gathering  Gathering and mining speed increased
  Backpackng  10  Backpacking Expert  Able to move faster when moving with carry items
  Whim  15  Spirit's Whim  Even lesser chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe
    10  Divine Whim  Lesser chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe
    -10  Spectre's Whim  Greater chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe
    -15  Demon Whim  Even greater chance of breaking bugnet or pickaxe
  Fishing  10  Fishing Expert  More time is given when angling a fish
  Heat Res  15  Heat Cancel [Hi]  Immune to heat effects in all areas
    10  Heat Cancel [Lo]  Immune to heat effects in certain areas
    -10  Heat Inc [Lo]  Health decreases faster due to heat effects
    -15  Heat Inc [Hi]  Health decreases even faster due to heat effects
  Cold Res  15  Cold Elimination[Hi]  Immune to cold effects in all areas
    10  Cold Elimination[Lo]  Immune to cold effects in certain areas
    -10  Heat Inc [Lo]  Stamina decreases faster due to cold effects
    -15  Heat Inc [Hi]  Stamina decreases even faster due to cold effects
  Terrain  15  TrrainDmgeReduce[Hi]  Damage from terrain is reduced significantly
    10  TrrainDmgeReduce[Lo]  Damage from terrain is reduced
    -10  TerrainDamageInc[Hi]  Damage from terrain is increased significantly
    -15  TerrainDamageInc[Lo]  Damage from terrain is increased
  Stamina  10  Stamina  Stamina decreases more slowly for running and attacks
  Technique  15  Defensive Maneuvers +2  Stamina usage is lessened even more when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping
    10  Defensive Maneuvers +1  Stamina usage is lessened when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping
    -10  Defensive Maneuvers -1  Stamina usage is increased when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping
    -15  Defensive Maneuvers -2  Stamina usage is increased even more when rolling, backhopping and sidestepping
  Hunger  15  Hunger Negated  Stamina bar does not decrease over time
    10  Hunger Halved  Stamina bar decreases x0.5 slower over time
    -10  Hunger Increase [Lo]  Stamina bar decreases x1.5 faster over time
    -15  Hunger Increase [Hi]  Stamina bar decreases x2 faster over time
  Sneak  10  Stealth  Decreases chance of being targeted by monster
    -10  Taunt  Increases chance of being targeted by monster
  Fate  15  Luck Booster  Greater chance of increased rewards
    10  Good Luck  Chance of increased rewards
    -10  Bad Luck  Chance of decreased rewards
    -20  Calamity  Greater chance of decreased rewards
  Set Trap  10  Trap Expert  Faster speed of setting traps
  Trapper  15  Reward Celebrity  Greater chance of increased rewards for capturing monster
    10  Reward Specialist  Chance of increased rewards for capturing monster
  Observance  10  Eagle Eye  Able to see when monster's health is low enough to be captured
  Recovery  10  HealthRecItemsImprvd  Healing items have increased effectiveness
    -10  HealthRecItemsWeak  Healing items have decreased effectiveness
  Everlastng  10  Item Usage Improve  Consumed effect items have increased duration
    -10  Item Usage Decline  Consumed effect items have decreased duration
  Wide Area  20  Wide Area +2  Certain usable items have full effect on others in the same area
    10  Wide Area +1  Certain usable items have half effect on others in the same area
  Throw  10  Throwing Skill Up  Increased distance for throwing items
  BombStrUp  10  Bomber  Increases the damage of bombs
  Gluttony  15  Picky Eater  Chance of healing items also increasing stamina
    10  Filled Up  Chance of fish steaks increasing stamina
  Cooking  10  Quick Eating  Increased speed of consuming items
    -10  Slow Life  Decreased speed of consuming items
  BBQ  10  BBQ Celebrity  Makes cooking steaks easier
    -10  So-Called BBQ King  Makes cooking steaks more difficult
  Horn  10  Flute Expert  Flutes break less easily and hunting horn effects gain increased duration
  MixSucRate  20  Combine Success +45%  Increases combination success rate
    15  Combine Success +25%  Increases combination success rate
    10  Combine Success +15%  Increases combination success rate
    -10  Combine Success -5%  Decreases combination success rate
    -15  Combine Success -10%  Decreases combination success rate
    -20  Combine Success -15%  Decreases combination success rate
  Shot Mix  10  Bullet Limit  Maximizes ammo combination amount
  Alchemy  10  Alchemy  Allows for Alchemy Combinations
  FlyneGuide  15  Felyne Mentor  Increases Felyne Fighter's experience and skill points received after quests
    10  Felyne Tutor  Increases Felyne Fighter's experience after quests
  Flyne Atk  10  Felyne Attack UP  Increases Felyne Fighter's attack
  Flyne Def  10  Felyne Defense UP  Increases Felyne Fighter's defense
  Torso Inc  -  -  Doubles both negative and positive attributes of torso armor


Skill PointsValueSkill Result/Description
  攻撃  20  攻撃力UP【大】
    15  攻撃力UP【中】
    10  攻撃力UP【小】
    -10  攻撃力DOWN【小】
    -15  攻撃力DOWN【中】
    -20  攻撃力DOWN【大】
  防御  20  防御+20
    15  防御+30
    10  防御+20
    -10  防御-20
    -15  防御-30
    -20  防御-40
  体力  20  体力+50
    15  体力+30
    10  体力+20
    -10  体力-10
    -15  体力-20
    -20  体力-30
  全耐性  20  全耐性+10
    15  全耐性+5
    10  全耐性+3
    -10  全耐性-3
    -15  全耐性-5
    -20  全耐性-10
  火耐性  15  火耐性+10
    10  火耐性+5
    -10  火耐性-5
    -15  火耐性-10
  水耐性  15  水耐性+10
    10  水耐性+5
    -10  水耐性-5
    -15  水耐性-10
  雷耐性  15  雷耐性+10
    10  雷耐性+5
    -10  雷耐性-5
    -15  雷耐性-10
  氷耐性  15  氷耐性+10
    10  氷耐性+5
    -10  氷耐性-5
    -15  氷耐性-10
  龍耐性  15  龍耐性+10
    10  龍耐性+5
    -10  龍耐性-5
    -15  龍耐性-10
  気絶  15  気絶無効
    10  気絶確率半減
    -10  気絶倍加
  毒  15  毒無効
    10  毒半減
    -10  毒倍加
  麻痺  15  麻痺無効
    10  麻痺半減
    -10  麻痺倍加
  睡眠  15  睡眠無効
    10  睡眠半減
    -10  睡眠無効
  抗菌  10  抗菌
  疲労  10  疲労無効
  耐雪  10  耐雪
  耐震  10  耐震
  聴覚保護  15  高級耳栓
    10  耳栓
  風圧  20  龍風圧無効
    15  風圧【大】
    10  風圧【小】
  盗み無効  10  盗み無効
  状態耐性  10  護法
  対炎龍  10  鋼殻の護り
  対鋼龍  10  霞皮の護り
  対霞龍  10  炎鱗の護り
  匠  10  斬れ味レベル+1
    -10  斬れ味レベル-1
  斬れ味  10  業物
    -10  なまくら
  剣術  10  心眼
  研ぎ師  10  砥石使用高速化
    -10  砥石性能半減
  ガード性能  20  ガード性能+2
    10  ガード性能+1
    -10  ガード性能-1
    -20  ガード性能-2
  自動防御  10  オートガード
  抜刀  10  抜刀術
  刀匠  10  真打
  通常弾強化  10  通常弾・連射矢威力UP
  貫通弾強化  10  貫通弾・貫通矢威力UP
  散弾強化  10  散弾・拡散矢威力UP
  通常弾追加  10  通常弾全レベル追加
  貫通弾追加  15  貫通弾全レベル追加
    10  貫通弾LV1追加
  散弾追加  15  散弾全レベル追加
    10  散弾LV1追加
  榴弾追加  15  徹甲榴弾全レベル追加
    10  徹甲榴弾LV1追加
  拡散弾追加  15  徹甲榴弾全レベル追加
    10  拡散弾LV1追加
  装填  20  装填速度+3
    15  装填速度+2
    10  装填速度+1
    -10  装填速度-1
    -15  装填速度-2
    -20  装填速度-3
  自動装填  10  自動装填
  反動  20  反動軽減+2
    10  反動軽減+1
  精密射撃  10  ぶれ幅DOWN
    -10  ぶれ幅UP
  毒瓶追加  10  毒ビン追加
  麻痺瓶追加  10  麻痺ビン追加
  睡眠瓶追加  10  睡眠ビン追加
  強撃瓶追加  10  強撃ビン追加
  接撃瓶追加  10  接撃ビン追加
  射手  10  剛弾
  達人  20  見切り+3
    15  見切り+2
    10  見切り+1
    -10  見切り-1
    -15  見切り-2
    -20  見切り-3
  特殊攻撃  10  状態異常攻撃強化
  属性攻撃  10  属性攻撃強化
  回復速度  20  ダメージ回復速度+2
    10  ダメージ回復速度+1
    -10  ダメージ回復速度-1
    -20  ダメージ回復速度-2
  加護  10  精霊の加護
    -10  悪霊の加護
  ガード強化  10  ガード強化
  回避性能  15  回避性能+2
    10  回避性能+1
  回避距離  10  回避距離UP
  底力  15  火事場力+2
    10  火事場力+1
    -10  心配性
  砲術  15  砲術王
    10  砲術師
  装填数  10  装填数UP
  溜め短縮  10  集中
    -10  雑念
  根性  10  根性
  怒  10  逆鱗
  地図  10  地図常備
    -10  地図無効
  千里眼  15  自動マーキング
    10  探知
  採取  15  採取+2
    10  採取+1
    -10  採取-1
    -15  採取-2
  剥ぎ取り  20  剥ぎ取り名人
    10  剥ぎ取り鉄人
  高速収集  10  高速剥ぎ取り&採取
  運搬  10  運搬の達人
  気まぐれ  15  神の気まぐれ
    10  精霊の気まぐれ
    -10  悪霊の気まぐれ
    -15  悪魔の気まぐれ
  釣り  10  釣り名人
  耐暑  15  暑さ【大】
    10  暑さ【小】
    -10  暑さ倍加【小】
    -15  暑さ倍加【大】
  耐寒  15  寒さ【大】
    10  寒さ【小】
    -10  寒さ倍加【小】
    -15  寒さ倍加【大】
  地形  15  地形ダメージ無効
    10  地形ダメージ半減
    -10  地形ダメージ増【小】
    -15  地形ダメージ増【大】
  スタミナ  10  スタミナ
  体術  15  体術+2
    10  体術+1
    -10  体術-1
    -15  体術-2
  はらへり  15  はらへり無効
    10  はらへり半減
    -10  はらへり倍加【小】
    -15  はらへり倍加【大】
  気配  10  隠密
    -10  挑発
  運気  15  激運
    10  幸運
    -10  不運
    -20  災難
  高速設置  10  罠師
  捕獲  15  捕獲名人
    10  捕獲上手
  観察眼  10  捕獲の見極め
  回復  10  体力回復アイテム強化
    -10  体力回復アイテム弱化
  効果持続  10  アイテム使用強化
    -10  アイテム使用弱化
  広域  20  広域化+2
    10  広域化+1
  投擲  10  投擲技術UP
  爆弾強化  10  ボマー
  食いしん坊  15  拾い食い
    10  まんぷく
  食事  10  早食い
    -10  スローライフ
  肉焼き  10  肉焼き名人
    -10  自称・肉焼き名人
  笛  10  笛吹き名人
  調合成功率  20  調合成功率+45%
    15  調合成功率+25%
    10  調合成功率+15%
    -10  調合成功率-5%
    -15  調合成功率-10%
    -20  調合成功率-15%
  弾調合  10  最大数弾生産
  錬金術  10  錬金術
  オトモ指導  15  オトモ指導と交流
    10  オトモ指導
  オトモ攻撃  10  オトモ攻撃力UP
  オトモ防御  10  オトモ防御力UP
  胴系統倍加  -  -


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